
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I have been trying to see if I can confirm that any of God's spokespeople actually showed up at the funeral of SGT Bryan J Opskar in Moorehead, MN. I was not able to go and it was probably better that way. As much as I would like to have gone to defend SGT Opskar, I probably would have just been more disruptive than helpful. My patience for ignorance is not all that high and I could have accidentally sodomized someone with their own protest sign. But because I missed it, I have decided to write a letter to the followers of Fred Phelps and other stupid people.

Dear Cocksuckers,

I am not sure that you even came out to protest the death of another US soldier like your website said you were because I was not able to attend to see for myself. I wanted to get out and see the faces of such a hateful and left behind group of people. I tend to want to give humans the benefit of the doubt and believe that in the end they will do the right thing. You people go counter to everything I want to believe about my fellow citizens and I want to know why.

As much as I disagree with all of the stupid things you do for attention, my blood boils thinking of you protesting dead soldiers to get attention and notoriety. I will remind you of a few things that you seem to have forgotten about our military and the things that you abuse with your rantings daily.

Soldiers are the reason why you have the freedom to say all the hateful and wicked things you do.

Soldiers are the reason you also have the freedom to assemble and protest no matter how idiotic your protests are.

All of America did not bomb your fucking church and I highly doubt a soldier did. If there is one thing a soldier knows how to do, it is blow shit up. You would have known if a soldier did it. Whoever did it just couldn't take your bullshit anymore and were obviously amateurs. All they did was empower you to talk more shit.

Your god did not give you any of the rights that you have to say and assemble like you do. Look around at all the governments formed in the name of a god. How many of them would you have the same rights in as you do here in America?

And finally if your god is the God, I don't want anything to do with it. I would like to think that God is at least as intelligent and able to reason as I am.

So, today we did not get to meet, but rest assured that your time will come. The time will come when you have to answer for your hatred and evil ways. It is not bad enough that you are stupid and bigoted, but you feel the need to destroy the minds of children also. Why don't you let them learn for themselves and make their own informed decisions? Perhaps it is because you know that knowledge is dangerous to your cause and that intelligent children will not grow up to be heirs to your thrown of hatred.

We will meet on the fields of battle in the near future. Your ignorant people against those of us who want a better America and world to live in. It will not be a bloody or violent battle like you want though. I believe that is what you want us to do. You want us to bomb your bigoted churches and punch your babbling followers so that you can sue.

Don't rest easily though because the battles will definitely be violent. Just not the physical violence that you long for. Intellectual and psychological battles are far more dangerous than any violent struggle would be. Especially for a cause that relies on ignorance as much as yours does. It will not be pretty, but I believe that we will be victorious in the end. Unlike you though, we will not celebrate our victory in mocking or condescending tones.

I look forward to seeing you in person.

Scott G
aka Me4President

I wonder if it was enough to get them to mention me on their site as a fag lover? That is when you have made it. When ignorant people call you names and stick out their tongues at you.


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